I checked the weather forecast again before getting on the ferry. The winds and swell had both dropped to well below my criteria for kayaking, but it was too late to change my plans. Sure enough, the ferry ride across the channel was calm and pleasant. It would have been the perfect day to solo paddle the roughly 24 miles across.

Several years ago I fished with Eli just off Catalina, but this was my first time stepping foot on the island. The views were beautiful, and it was an enjoyable hike from Two Harbors to the campground where I'd stay for the next three nights.

My pack was already heavy with camping gear, but I stubbornly brought along my mask, snorkel, and flippers so I could snorkel and check out the fish in front of the campground. I went out twice and saw all the usual suspects. I hoped to see something new, such as a bluebanded goby or rainbow scorpionfish, but everything I saw was also common in areas such as La Jolla.
Garibaldi (Hypsypops rubicundus)

Pacific Barracuda (Sphyraena argentea)

California Salema (Haemulon californiensis)

Zebra Chub (Kyphosus azureus)

Topsmelt or Jacksmelt (Atherinopsis sp.)

Giant Kelpfish (Heterostichus rostratus)

Halfmoon (Medialuna californiensis)

The rest of the trip was spent hiking, including a tough hike to the top of the ridge to see the open Pacific on the west side of the island. The weather was great, and I really enjoyed not having a phone signal for three straight days.
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